Στο Εν Δυνάµει ο µαθητής –πάντα µε την
καθοδήγηση των εκπαιδευτικών– µαθαίνει να µελετά
συστηµατικά και οργανωµένα, να θέτει πρόγραµµα,
να κατανέµει σωστά τον χρόνο του καλλιεργώντας
συστηµατικά την κρίση του ώστε να είναι έτοιµος να
ανταποκριθεί στα σύνθετα θέµατα των Πανελλαδικών
Παράλληλα, µε τη δική µας συνδροµή και
υπευθυνότητα, συνειδητοποιεί άµεσα τις ελλείψεις
και τα κενά του και τελικά προετοιµάζεται ώστε να
αντιµετωπίζει τις καταστάσεις µε αυτοκυριαρχία και
At a central location in Zografou, you can find our Tutoring Center. In a three-story building with 15 fully equipped classrooms. Address: Chrysippou 1, Zografou
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In this building, we house three additional classrooms, one of which is our amphitheater. Address: Theodamantos 2, Zografou, on the 1st floor
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We are delighted to include in our team our brand-new space with 10 additional classrooms.
Address: Papagou Ave and Xirogianni 10, Zografou, on the 1st floor Phone: 2107488180
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Our tutoring center (on the 3rd floor above the Super Market) is a trusted choice for parents and students. With modern teaching methods and a supportive environment, we help students achieve their goals.
Address: 13 Faneromenis Street, Cholargos
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In this building, we house 5 additional classrooms.
Address: 5 Faneromenis Street, Cholargos
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Our tutoring center in Agia Paraskevi started in 2023, and from the very next year, the increase in our students prompted us to open more classrooms. Initially, with our building on Aegeou Pelagous Street, and in the winter of 2024, the classrooms on Agiou Ioannou Street also began operating.
Address: Evergetou Giavasi 9, Ag. Paraskevi (Rooms 1-7)
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In this building, we house rooms 8-11.
Address: 2A Aigaiou Pelagous (Ground Floor), Agia Paraskevi
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In this building, we house rooms 12-15.
Address: 18-20 Agiou Ioannou Street (Venus Shopping Center, 1st floor), Agia Paraskevi
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