Στο Εν Δυνάµει ο µαθητής –πάντα µε την
καθοδήγηση των εκπαιδευτικών– µαθαίνει να µελετά
συστηµατικά και οργανωµένα, να θέτει πρόγραµµα,
να κατανέµει σωστά τον χρόνο του καλλιεργώντας
συστηµατικά την κρίση του ώστε να είναι έτοιµος να
ανταποκριθεί στα σύνθετα θέµατα των Πανελλαδικών
Παράλληλα, µε τη δική µας συνδροµή και
υπευθυνότητα, συνειδητοποιεί άµεσα τις ελλείψεις
και τα κενά του και τελικά προετοιµάζεται ώστε να
αντιµετωπίζει τις καταστάσεις µε αυτοκυριαρχία και
On the Panhellenic Examinations page, you will find all the topics and solutions from previous years gathered together to help you prepare effectively for your exams. Here, you will find material that covers all the core subjects of the Panhellenic Examinations, allowing you to deepen your knowledge and approach the topics you will face in the exams with greater confidence.
By using the search filters, you can easily locate the topics and solutions related to specific subjects and years, making your study more targeted and efficient. Our material is updated regularly and has been organized with great care to ensure that the information we provide is always current and of high quality.
Discover the topics from previous years, study the solutions, and enhance your preparation to achieve your goals in the Panhellenic Examinations.
Click here to go to the Panhellenic Examinations page and gain access to the valuable material that will assist you in your preparation.
Successful Candidates
Our students have managed to excel in their exams, proving that with dedication and proper preparation, goals can be achieved. Do you want to learn more about those who achieved their goals through hard work and our support?
On our successful candidates page, you can see the names of the students who distinguished themselves, confirming the quality of our educational approach. These success stories are the best proof of how important proper guidance and the right tools are in the learning journey.
Click here to see the names of the successful candidates and be inspired by their stories. Their success can become yours too!
Career Guide
Take advantage of the significant offer from the En Dynamei Tutorial Center, which is provided to you for free, where our students and their parents have free access.
In the CAREER GUIDE, you can learn everything you want about:
– the Lyceum and the admission system,
– the Panhellenic examinations and the base scores,
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