Στο Εν Δυνάµει ο µαθητής –πάντα µε την
καθοδήγηση των εκπαιδευτικών– µαθαίνει να µελετά
συστηµατικά και οργανωµένα, να θέτει πρόγραµµα,
να κατανέµει σωστά τον χρόνο του καλλιεργώντας
συστηµατικά την κρίση του ώστε να είναι έτοιµος να
ανταποκριθεί στα σύνθετα θέµατα των Πανελλαδικών
Παράλληλα, µε τη δική µας συνδροµή και
υπευθυνότητα, συνειδητοποιεί άµεσα τις ελλείψεις
και τα κενά του και τελικά προετοιµάζεται ώστε να
αντιµετωπίζει τις καταστάσεις µε αυτοκυριαρχία και
The collaboration among the tutors at the center ensures optimal coverage of the syllabus. The tutors exchange views, monitor student progress, and adjust the educational plan according to the needs of the class.
Knowing that everyone’s time is valuable, we have created a pioneering online information system through which any parent can access their child’s personal folder via the internet at any time, from anywhere.
Team Collaboration for Optimal Results
Comprehensive Answers to Questions
Unified Educational Strategy
Dynamic Learning Approach
Comprehensive Answers to Questions
Every question raised by students is addressed collectively, with teachers collaborating to provide targeted and specific solutions. The delegation of responsibilities ensures promptness and accuracy in the answers.
Unified Educational Strategy
Through continuous interaction, the teachers follow a common educational approach, ensuring that students receive consistency in teaching, regardless of the teacher or subject. This provides students with a stable foundation for their academic progress.
Dynamic Learning Approach
The collaboration of teaching teams allows for a dynamic adaptation of instruction to meet the needs of the students. The exchange of ideas and educational practices enriches the learning experience, while reinforcing teaching through shared strategies and methods.
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