Στο Εν Δυνάµει ο µαθητής –πάντα µε την
καθοδήγηση των εκπαιδευτικών– µαθαίνει να µελετά
συστηµατικά και οργανωµένα, να θέτει πρόγραµµα,
να κατανέµει σωστά τον χρόνο του καλλιεργώντας
συστηµατικά την κρίση του ώστε να είναι έτοιµος να
ανταποκριθεί στα σύνθετα θέµατα των Πανελλαδικών
Παράλληλα, µε τη δική µας συνδροµή και
υπευθυνότητα, συνειδητοποιεί άµεσα τις ελλείψεις
και τα κενά του και τελικά προετοιµάζεται ώστε να
αντιµετωπίζει τις καταστάσεις µε αυτοκυριαρχία και
The books from “En Dynamei” publications organize the entire syllabus into independent teaching units in the best possible way and clarify the theory and exercises using the most reliable methodology. Based on scientific validity and guided by the objective demands of education – even with their aesthetic perfection – they decisively assist the student in mastering the material in depth and overcoming any difficulties encountered in the process.
Knowing that everyone’s time is valuable, we have created a pioneering online information system through which any parent can access their child’s personal folder via the internet at any time, from anywhere.
Excellent educational material
Organized and Effective Learning
Scientific Accuracy and Methodology
Comprehensive Student Support
Organized and Effective Learning
Our educational material is designed to precisely organize the syllabus into teaching units. It covers theory and exercises with accuracy and reliability, ensuring smooth understanding for students. Its methodical approach promotes deeper knowledge and helps resolve any difficulties encountered.
Scientific Accuracy and Methodology
The material is based on scientific validity, and each book is organized in a way that meets educational requirements. The experience of our teachers is reflected in the absolute accuracy and methodology used for teaching and mastering the material.
Comprehensive Student Support
Our educational material is tailored to the needs of the student, providing a complete and comprehensive tool for preparation. It covers all aspects of the syllabus with clarity and offers a well-rounded learning experience that leads to success.
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