Στο Εν Δυνάµει ο µαθητής –πάντα µε την
καθοδήγηση των εκπαιδευτικών– µαθαίνει να µελετά
συστηµατικά και οργανωµένα, να θέτει πρόγραµµα,
να κατανέµει σωστά τον χρόνο του καλλιεργώντας
συστηµατικά την κρίση του ώστε να είναι έτοιµος να
ανταποκριθεί στα σύνθετα θέµατα των Πανελλαδικών
Παράλληλα, µε τη δική µας συνδροµή και
υπευθυνότητα, συνειδητοποιεί άµεσα τις ελλείψεις
και τα κενά του και τελικά προετοιµάζεται ώστε να
αντιµετωπίζει τις καταστάσεις µε αυτοκυριαρχία και
The uninterrupted and systematic monitoring of each student’s progress is accompanied by immediate and honest communication that does not sugarcoat situations. With integrity and a sense of duty, it reveals the true horizon of expectations. At the same time, shortcomings are pointed out, and solutions and directions are proposed for the student’s substantial improvement.
Knowing that everyone’s time is valuable, we have adopted a pioneering online information system through which any parent can access their child’s personal folder via the internet at any time, from anywhere.
Continuous & Immediate Parent Updates
Immediate Access to Performance
Personalized Feedback
Flexibility and Transparency
Immediate Access to Performance
Parents can monitor their children’s progress instantly and in real time through the online information system. This ensures immediate and transparent updates.
Personalized Feedback
Each student receives specific guidance for improvement, allowing parents to see in which areas more support is needed.
Flexibility and Transparency
The platform allows access from anywhere and at any time, ensuring that parents are always informed about their child’s academic progress.
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